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Capitol Archives & Record Storage
133 Laurel St Hartford CT 06106
Phone: 860-951-8981

Capitol Archives & Record Storage, Inc. is a Connecticut Corporation founded in 1981 by F. N. Valente, Sr. and Frank N. Valente, Jr.

Capitol Archives has been continuously owned and managed by Frank Valente, Sr. and Jr. With over 2 million cubic feet of warehousing and growing, our growth in the industry comes from servicing our customers like they are the only customer we have. Our structure of operations has let us diversify into other services that cater to the needs of our customers.

We not only are a records storage and management company we branched out to add a Logistics division with worldwide capabilities, Copying center with Black and white and color capabilities, courier services with same day delivery, Records Destruction, Business forms storage, Mail/Fulfillment center and Business Seminar equipment management. State of Ct. certified small business enterprise certificate

Our customers have come to rely on Capitol Archives with the “No problems just solutions” Attitude. When we started in the records storage industry our main goal was to service our customers “Service is our only product”.

For more detail information about our services just click on the menu above.
© 2016 Capitol Archives & Record Storage
133 Laurel St. Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-951-8981
Web Design by Picture This Productions
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